20 Famous Faces

20 Famous Faces

A cool pictures collection of 20 famous faces of celebrities when they were younger. The majority you can tell who they are but some are unrecognisable, namely Michael Jackson and Marilyn Manson! See for yourselves....

DeNiro...the 'you talkin to me' pose started early!

Madonna...way back when she was a virgin

No mistaking Freddie boy!

Tom Cruise, once a geek, always a geek!

Michael Jackson wasn't always WackoHe used to be black as well!

Miss Monroe, born beautiful, died beautiful

Marilyn Manson wasn't always scary..although that fringe is!

Kurt Cobain before heroin robbed us of a legend
Katie Holmes, cute 

Kate Moss posing from an early age. 

John Lennon...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...beautiful boy

Jennifer Lopez...a little darling then and now!

Janet Jackson before plastic came into her life

Drew Barrymore hasn't change one bit!

Courtney Love...young and innocent!

Brad Pitt, I was hoping for an ugly baby picture but no!

Bjork...she was just born to be different

Arnie...before Steroids 

Angelina Jolie...not sure how old she is in this picture so I won't comment!

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